Company: Industrial Pastelera Sant Narciso, S. A.

You can report violations or send a secure complaint through our internal information system, as the preferred channel for reporting illegal activities and violations, provided that the violation can be dealt with effectively and if as a complainant or informant you consider that there is no risk of retaliation. The information will be encrypted to ensure that it is sent with the highest standards of privacy and security and only the person designated by the organization will be able to see it.

Our internal information system is intended to:

• Grant adequate protection against reprisals that natural persons who report may suffer.

• Strengthen the information culture of the organization's integrity infrastructures.

• Promote the culture of information or communication as a mechanism to prevent and detect threats to the public interest.

We inform you that there are also external information channels with the competent authorities where you can report violations or send complaints, where appropriate, before

• the institutions, bodies or agencies of the European Union

• Independent Authority for the Protection of Informants, A.A.I. Communication through the external information channel of the A.A.I. or through the authorities or autonomous bodies. Any natural person may inform the A.A.I., or the corresponding authorities or autonomous bodies, of the commission of any actions or omissions included in the scope of application of the law, either directly or prior communication through the corresponding internal channel.

Workers, administrative body, suppliers, clients, interns, volunteers, collaborators, any person who works for or under the supervision and direction of contractors, subcontractors and suppliers, or any person who has or has had a relationship with the organization.

Report on any of the actions or omissions included in Article 2 of Law 2/2023, regulating the protection of people who report on regulatory violations and the fight against corruption:

• that may constitute infringements of European Union Law

• Actions or omissions that may constitute a serious or very serious criminal or administrative offense.

• Penal Code

• Workers who report violations of labor law in matters of safety and health at work

What infringements are included in the EU Directive and national legislation:

1) public procurement; Public procurement procedures relating to supply contracts for defense products and supply and service contracts for water, energy, transport and postal services, and any other contract or service, in accordance with the provisions of Union legislation:

2) financial services, prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism; supervision and protection of investors and consumers in the capital markets and financial services of the Union, such as banking, credit, insurance and reinsurance, retirement or individual pensions, securities, investment funds, payments and investment advisory

3) product safety; General safety requirements for products placed on the Union market. Manufactured products other than food, feed, medicines for human and veterinary use, live plants and animals, products of human origin and products of plant or animal origin Motor vehicles and trailers, systems, components

4) transport security;

rail, civil aviation, road, maritime transport

5) environmental protection;

6) nuclear safety;

7) food and feed safety, animal health and welfare;

General requirements of food legislation
8) public health; Measures that establish high quality and safety standards for organs and substances of human origin Measures that establish high quality and safety standards for medicines and devices for medical use

9) consumer protection; Consumer rights and consumer protection,

10) protection of personal data and privacy, and security of networks and information systems;

As an indication you can report this type of misconduct:

• Skills

• Public contracting

• Corporation tax

• Financial interests of the union (expenses, revenue collection and funds)

• Prevention of money laundering/financing of terrorist activities.

• Radiation protection and nuclear safety

• Environmental Protection

• User protection

• Protection of personal data and privacy

• Public health

• Security of networks and information systems

• Food safety

• Transport security

• Product safety

• Sexual harassment

• Workplace Harassment

In our organization we have an internal policy that sets out the general principles regarding internal information systems and defense of the informant and that is duly publicized within the entity.

In no case is it a complaints and/or suggestions mailbox, to do so please go to the email of the corresponding area or to the contact section.

Incident Details